mardi 19 février 2013

Everyday Health Guide: 365 Tips for Healthy Living 2013 /2

Tip 35. The Surprising Causes of Leucoderma
Tip 36. Tingling, burning, stabbing pains? The problem could be neuritis.
Tip 37. The right fats fight the effects of the wrong fats.
Tip 38. To prevent baldness, eat the right foods.
Tip 39. To cure a headache, eat something (as long as it is not sugar).
Tip 40. To fight depression, be active.
Tip 41. Exercise also plays an important role in the treatment of depression.
Tip 42. Treat dandruff from the inside, not the outside.
Tip 43. Acid = Danger
Tip 44. Activity is not the same as exercise.
Tip 45. Alkalise!
Tip 46. Any cure begins with detoxification.
Tip 47. As noted before, to heal disease, first remove toxins. If you do not, your body will.
Tip 48. Attention to diet heals the body as a whole.
Tip 49. Avoid medications for colds.
Tip 50. Avoid medications for the treatment of colitis.
Tip 51. Avoid ointments and salves for conjunctivitis.

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