mardi 19 février 2013

Everyday Health Guide: 365 Tips for Healthy Living 2013

Table of Contents
Tip 1. Colour Therapy, A Basic Guide to Putting Colour in Your Health
Tip 2. Recognize the Problem with Conventional Therapies
Tip 3. Use the Recovery Diet
Tip 4. Anti-Aging Therapies
Tip 5. Basic Nutritional Principles
Tip 6. Basic Dietary Treatment Principles
Tip 7. Basic Vegetarianism
Tip 8. Get to Know Healthy Kitchen Practices
Tip 9. Control Inflammation with Cold
Tip 10. Control Pain with Heat
Tip 11. Fasting Is a Time of Rest
Tip 12. Hydrotherapy, the treatment of disease with the bath
Tip 13. A simple nature cure for inflammatory conditions is the cold footbath.
Tip 14. The cold hipbath is a routine treatment in most diseases.
Tip 15. The Epsom salt bath is useful in many conditions.
Tip 16. A simple nature cure is the hot footbath.
Tip 17. A hot hipbath relieves conditions “below the belt.”
Tip 18. The hot immersion bath is a surprising cure for obesity.
Tip 19. Use the mud bath to remove impurities.
Tip 20. Enhance beauty with the mudpack.
Tip 21. Control and channel sexual desire with the neutral hipbath.
Tip 22. Remove morbid matter from the surface of the skin with the hot steam bath.
Tip 23: Avoid medications for sleeplessness.
Tip 24. Diet, not surgery, for kidney stones.
Tip 25. To avoid headache, avoid eyestrain.
Tip 26. Take heed of headaches. Headaches may be a symptom of hypertension.
Tip 27. Hydrocele, The Common But Little-Known Condition of Men's Mature Years
Tip 28. Indigestion may be caused by how you neat, not just what you eat.
Tip 29. Influenza is more than a viral infection.
Tip 30. Low blood sugar is caused by too much sugar.
Tip 31. To avoid gout, avoid meat.
Tip 32. Meditate!
Tip 33. No drugs cure high blood pressure.
Tip 34. Stress causes headaches.
Tip 35. The Surprising Causes

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